GBNA Artwork 2017
on your win at this year’s Pentair Everpure Golden Bean North America Coffee Roasters Competition! We know you will be excited to let the world know how fantastic your coffee is so we have the LOW RESOLUTION (300pixel D) Champion sticker and Golden Bean North America Logo artwork available for you to download and use on your electronic marketing.
Click your appropriate medal artwork below to download
(Mac or PC right click “save image as”)
Use of the Golden Bean Logo and Medal Artworks
• The Golden Bean logo and Medal Artworks must be used in its entirety to include text and images.
• The logo in its entirety or part there of must not be replicated or recreated without prior consent from Café Culture International
• All branding including logos, text and images of the Golden Bean remain the sole property of Café Culture International and authorization for use of the above mentioned must be obtained from Café Culture International in writing, prior to use.
If you would like to purchase HIGH RESOLUTION artwork (required for printing) of the logo and or medals please download the form below.